Comprehensive childbirth education for an easier, more comfortable birth, with special emphasis on self-hypnosis

My name is Megan Alexander and I am so excited to be the first certified Hypnobabies Instructor in Alabama. I have been a registered nurse since 2016, working in Labor and Delivery and a midwife's office. I love connecting with pregnant women and providing up-to-date information so that they can make informed choices regarding their pregnancy and birth. I had wonderful Hypnobabies births with my second and third children and am passionate about empowering as many women as possible to experience the peace and confidence in birthing that Hypnobabies provides.
Babies whose parents chose to prepare for childbirth using the Hypnobabies method of hypnotic childbirth, or "hypnobirthing."

Hypnobabies teaches medical-grade, somnambulistic hypnosis techniques. You can change positions, walk, and communicate with your birth team, while still remaining comfortable and deeply in hypnosis.
Hypnobabies provides the mom and her birth partner tools in their toolkits to pull from during birth. You will be completely prepared and relaxed going into your birthing time.

In person, virtual, or hybrid
Hypnobabies classes meet once a week for 6 weeks. Each class lasts about 2.5 hours.
A maximum of 6 couples are in each class, so the content can be tailored to each student's needs and there is plenty of time for everyone's questions.
The next class series starts February 21, 2025. The class series after that will start mid-April 2025.